Keep expenses down…and your wallet a little fatter. When Good Housekeeping has run articles on saving money, they’ve ranked among the magazine’s most popular. And this book
provides hundreds of the editors’ ideas for turning buyers into smart shoppers. For instance, did you know that there are special strategies you can use to negotiate a better price for
most major purchases? That dimmer switches on lights can save 20 percent in energy and double the life of your bulbs? Or that shrewd consumers can save a bundle by purchasing last year’s
model of appliance just when the new ones are coming out?
This savvy clear guide helps you find excellent value for less money, discover honest-to-goodness bargains that pay off in the long run, and avoid shoddy goods or services that aren’t
worth it even if the initial price is low. It covers the gamut from coupons and grocery shopping to purchasing appliances to economizing on pet care, the laundry, holidays, and
entertainment. Helpful sidebars throughout—such as “Penny Wise and Pound Foolish” and “Shopping Seducers”—show you how to steer clear of shopping traps.
With so many good deals and smart steals, this book pays for itself!