National Geographic: The Photographs

National Geographic: The Photographs
NT $ 628
  • 作者:Bendavid-ValLeah
  • 出版社:Natl Geographic Society
  • 出版日期:2008-09-16
  • 語言:英文
  • ISBN10:1426202911
  • ISBN13:9781426202919
  • 裝訂:精裝 / 16.5 x 17.1 x 1.9 cm / 普通級


  這本精采絕倫的攝影集在 1994 年首次出版時,就榮登美國的年度最暢銷禮物書榜;到了今天,書中的影像依然經典。在《國家地理雜誌百年攝影經典》中,讀者除了可以飽覽《國家地理》雜誌的得獎照片之外,還能一窺照片背後的故事,以及攝影師拍攝時的工作點滴。




  This stunning volume was the gift book of the year when it first published, and the images that grace its pages remain iconic. From the famous Afghan girl whose haunting green eyes stare out from the book’s cover, and her poignant story that captured the world’s interest, to award-winning photography culled from the Society’s vast archives, The Photographs offers readers an inside look at National Geographic and a sharp-eyed view of the world. The book showcases the skill and imagination of such notable Geographic photographers as David Doubilet, William Albert Allard, Sam Abell, Jim Stanfield, Jodi Cobb, Jim Brandenburg, David Alan Harvey, and many more. They share their techniques, as well as personal and colorful anecdotes about individual images and their adventures in the field—sometimes humorous, sometimes terrifying, always vividly compelling. Author Leah Bendavid-Val writes about the photographers’ achievements from technical, journalistic, and artistic perspectives.

  Five chapters cover core National Geographic themes—wildlife on land and water; cultures in the United States and around the world; and science, from astronomy to archaeology to the human senses. The photographs in each chapter capture rare moments in nature and the lives of animals, along with defining events in the lives of people everywhere. This exquisite collection is as elegant as it is timeless.



莉雅.賓達威瓦(Leah Bendavid-Val)


  Leah Bendavid-Val , Director of Photography Publishing for National Geographic Books, is the author of Propaganda & Dreams; Changing Reality; National Geographic: The Photographs; Stories on Paper & Glass, and most recently Song Without Words: The Photographs and Diaries of Countess Sophia Tolstoy. She has curated photography exhibitions for museums worldwide.

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