This updated manual presents a diagnostic test and four full-length practice tests that reflect the latest information published by the College Board for inclusion in the actual SAT Subject
Test in Chemistry. The book's practice tests reflect the actual test in length, in question types, content areas covered, and degree of difficulty. All practice tests are presented with answers
and explanations, as are the 250 test-like questions at the end of each chapter. This total number of practice questions far exceeds all other SAT Chemistry test prep manuals on the market.
Also unique in this book is the fact that all practice tests include a diagnostic of strengths and weaknesses by topic area and a suggested study guide directing students to appropriate
brush-up chapters. The manualA's subject review covers all test topics, including structure of matter, states of matter, reaction types, stoichoimetry, equilibrium and reaction rates,
thermochemistry, descriptive chemistry, and laboratory skills. Marginal notations of helpful hints direct student attention to important items.