Swindlers are found in every profession from people who repair appliances that already work to investment brokers who steal millions from their clients. Currie (finance and economics, Rollins
College) and Matulich (emeritus, accounting, Rollins College) believe that there are warning signs of a scam artist at work. In the articles they have selected, scams and frauds are examined.
They are as varied as individuals embezzling funds, authors making up facts, corporate greed, such as Enron and Vivendi, to medical experiments on unknowing individuals and the falsification of
research data. One section deals exclusively in cases when the watchdog is either incompetent or in on the scam. The stories of corruption among the high and mighty make good reading. The
analysis of each debacle shows how easily the general public can be fooled, with tips on how not to let these things happen so often. Annotation 穢2008 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR