If someone from the USA is traveling in another country and is asked where he or she is from, more often than not the answer will be "The U.S." or America." An exception would be if the person
is from Texas, in which case the answer, almost invariably, will be "Texas." Texans are a proud lot and have a tendency to think of themselves as Texans first and Americans second. That does
not make them disloyal to their country. It is something that is born into them and instilled throughout childhood and Texas History classes in high school and college.In many ways, Daniel
Jason has captured the essence of a Texas oil man's way of living and thinking in this novel. The hero is Matthew Wolverine, a wealthy, handsome, strong-willed, marathon running Texan who is
supported by a beautiful wife, children, neighbors and friends. He is also greatly helped and supported by an Argentinean mystery man and his two bodyguards. Texas Secedes is a gripping, action
packed novel in which the reader will most assuredly identify with and become personally involved with many of the characters. It is a beautiful story about love, religion, standing for
something, taking action and difficult decisions. In many instances, action is fast and furious as dangerous and difficult situations are dealt with.This work of fiction is so relevant to
conditions existing in Texas in the early 21st century, that the reader may find himself wondering if it doesn't contain some kernels of reality and truth.We predict that you will find the
rapid fire dialogue an easy read and that you will find yourself so caught up in this most intriguing story that you will have difficulty putting it down before you finish reading it.