Easy Italian Reader: A Three-part Text for Beginning Students
- 作者:Riccarda,Saggese
- 出版社:Baker & Taylor Books
- 出版日期:2008-11-07
- 語言:英文
- ISBN10:0071603344
- ISBN13:9780071603348
- 裝訂:平裝 / 246頁 / 14.6 x 22.9 x 1.3 cm / 普通級
The fun and easy way to quickly enhance basic reading skills--now with CD-ROMs!
.Easy Italian Reader is based on the premise that the best way to learn a language is to start reading it, immediately. Suitable for the raw beginner to intermediate-level language learner, this book features engaging readings of progressive difficulty that allow you to rapidly build your comprehension. The additional CD-ROM contains recordings of thirty-five passages featured in the book, which can be used with a CD player, downloaded to an iPod or other mp3 player, or heard.via computer where the text can simultaneously be viewed on screen.