Trisha Brown: So That the Audience Does Not Know Whether I have Stopped Dancing centers on a broad survey of Brown's visual arts practice going back more than three decades. The catalogue
features more than 40 drawings and includes essays by exhibition curator Peter Eleey and Walker performing arts senior curator Philip Bither as well as specially commissioned survey of Brown's
drawing vocabulary contributed by the artist.
Best Known for her innovative choreographies that revolutionized modern dance, Trisha Brown has for many years made drawings and other works beyond the stage that integrate the performing and
visual arts. Drawing has long featured prominently in her practice, shifting from a tool for schematic composition into a fully realized component of her broader investigation into the limits
of her own body. Whether she is working within the frame of a sheet of paper, on the wall, or on the stage, Brown delights in the play between structure and improvisation, repetition, choice
and chance.