Designed to help coaches and athletes develop the optimal training program to prepare for a competitive baseball season. What separates many baseball players is their dedication to a strength
and conditioning program. Not only will commitment to the training program provide a better opportunity to maximize baseball performance, but it will also reduce the risk for injury, minimize
the extent of injury, and enhance the return to top performance after a player is injured. Chapter 1 provides information concerning the development of a resistance-training program, including
how manipulation of training variables can enhance muscle strength, power, and size. Chapters 2 and 3 present information on the development of plyometric and speed/agility training, while
chapter 4 focuses on aerobic and anaerobic conditioning. Chapter 5 discusses how to incorporate the information provided in the first four chapters into an annual training program, including
both in-season and off-season conditioning. Chapter 6 provides information concerning the importance of a proper warm-up, including the benefits of dynamic movements and explanations of various
type of stretching programs. Descriptions of selected static and partner-assisted stretches are also provided. Chapter 7 presents information on throwing programs to increase the strength of
the throwing arm and Chapter 8 provides basic nutritional information for athletes, including recommendations for athletes interested in gaining weight or losing weight. In addition,
recommendations for pre-exercise/pre-game and post-exercise/post-game meals are also provided.