Asia-Pacific Fixed Income Markets: An Analysis of the Region’s Money, Bond and Interest Derivative Markets

Asia-Pacific Fixed Income Markets: An Analysis of the Region’s Money, Bond and Interest Derivative Markets
NT $ 4,200


As stability has begun to return to the Asia-Pacific region, so do international investors' appetites for high-yielding Asian securities. Right now, due to the substantial bank debt accrued during the last financial crisis there, the liveliest investment areas in the Asian-Pacific region are fixed income instruments. Authors Jonathan A. Batten and Thomas A. Fetherston provide country-by-country analyses, including highly-focused descriptions of the history, current disposition, and future prospects of each country's bond markets, along with detailed explanations of the market structure and conventions in each.
Jonathan Batten is a Professor of Finance at Deakin University. His professional experience includes senior posts at the Australian Industry Development Corporation, The Bank of Tokyo, Credit Lyonnais and IBM Consulting in their Asia-Pacific Banking and Finance Group.
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