SUPERANNO A recipe for hilarity. A door whore in restaurant lingo refers to the woman who greets you upon entering a dining establishment. However, Ivy Zingara is not just any bimbo smiling
behind a podium; she is the brains and passion, the very heart and soul of Sentimento, a four star fine-dining restaurant. Ivy, possessing no prior restaurant knowledge, dives into creating a
restaurant as a total novice and experiences numerous obstacles, from misogynistic fire and building inspectors to vacuous employees. She hires a lunatic chef and an eccentric staff of
dipsomaniacs, yet still manages to create an incredibly successful dining venue that the glitterati of New Jersey love to frequent. The Door Whore is a glimpse into the comedy, drama, and
everyday insanity that goes on behind the scenes in every restaurant on a daily basis.