Poet and post-punk heroine Eileen Myles has always operated in the art, writing, and queer performance scenes as a kind of observant flaneur. Like Baudelaire's gentleman stroller, Myles
travels the city--wandering on garbage-strewn New York streets in the heat of summer, drifting though the antiseptic malls of La Jolla, and riding in the van with Sister Spit--seeing it with a
poet's eye for detail and with the consciousness that writing about art and culture has always been a social gesture. Culled by the poet from twenty years of art writing, the essays in The
Importance of Being Iceland make a lush document of her--and our--lives in these contemporary crowds.
Framed by Myles's account of her travels in Iceland, these essays posit inbetweenness as the most vital position from which to perceive culture as a whole, and a fluidity in national
identity as the best model for writing and thinking about art and culture. The essays include fresh takes on Thoreau's Cape Cod walk, working class speech, James Schulyer and Bjork, queer
Russia and Robert Smithson; how-tos on writing an avant-garde poem and driving a battered Japanese car that resembles a menopausal body; and opinions on such widely ranging subjects as
filmmaker Sadie Benning, actor Daniel Day-Lewis, Ted Berrigan's Sonnets, and flossing.
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The Duende of Tetherball
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Opening to the Poem
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Vivas to Those Who Have Failed: Poems
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Our Miss Brooks
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Paul Violi: Selected Poems 1970-2007
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Galaxy Love: Poems
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Songs With Our Eyes Closed
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Map to the Stars
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The Fawn Abyss
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The Matrix: Poems 1960-1970
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Little Kisses
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The Sea Is a Continual Miracle: Sea Poems and Other Writings by Walt Whitman
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Cihcewesin: New Poetry from Indigenous Saskatchewan
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Essential Patti Smith: Poetry of Patti Smith
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Farewell, My Lovelies
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Weary Kingdom: Poems
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XX: Poems for the Twentieth Century