In a magical kingdom beneath the sea, a beautiful young mermaid named Ariel longs to leave her ocean home to live in the world above. But first, she'll have to defy her father - the king of the
sea - to escape the clutches of an evil sea witch and convince a prince that she's the girl with the perfect voice. Based on one of the most beloved Disney films of all time and the classic
Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale, The Little Mermaid is the sparkling new Disney musical that's poised to make a splash on Broadway. Some of Disney's most popular songs are featured in show -
including "Part of Your World," "Kiss the Girl," and the Academy Award-winning Best Original Song, "Under the Sea" - by the songwriting team of 8-time Academy winner Alan Menken and the
renowned Howard Ashman. The stage adaptation also features new songs by Menken and Glenn Slater, plus a book by Tony Award-winning playwright Doug Wright.