This groundbreaking new series is for truly young actors-- monologues, scenes, and technique book for the elementary school set. Each book builds on the one before it, so skills grow as
students grow. Often, young children are given work written for older actors that is difficult for them to understand and retain. This material is comprehensible, relatable, and fun. For all
the young characters and performers, there is finally a book for you! And within this series, an exciting collection that breaks down barriers: Square pegs don't fit into round holes. It's that
simple.Specifically for young actors of Hispanic descent, M. Ramirez has written a group of books for second, third, fourth generation immigrant kids who don't often feel included in a lot of
the literature they're surrounded with. References to abuelos, abuelas, and other cultural specifics help make these performance pieces a little more accessible to kids who might or might not
be speaking English as a second language. all with a specific flavor that will help young actors find their voices and stretch themselves, performing pieces that speak not only about them, but
directly to them.Because of the Latino flavor incorporated into this material, these kids can focus on what they are meant to focus on- performing - without any cultural barriers.KIDS: These
books tell you about how to act and give you some excellent characters to play! There are also many, many games and activities. (P.S. They may also make you the smartest kid you know!)
TEACHERS: This series provides ample material for classroom use. In addition, the Teacher's Guide will give tips and ideas to use in classrooms.PARENTS: If you've got a natural performer in the
house, this book provides some simple pieces for auditioning, horsing around, or performing in the living room. These books are both fun and educational.AGENTS/MANAGERS: These monologues are
immediate and active, with different emotions and levels within each monologue. Great for auditions.Fasten your seat belt! We're going on a trip! Use this book to act, to learn, to play, to
dream, to discover. This book is all about places-places you know, places in the U.S., places in the world, and imaginary/far-out places Take your friends and family along for the ride. Get
ready to take off for heart-pounding adventures!