What People Wore When: A Complete Illustrated History of Costume from Ancient Times to the Nineteenth Century for Every Level of

What People Wore When: A Complete Illustrated History of Costume from Ancient Times to the Nineteenth Century for Every Level of
NT $ 1,155
  • 作者:LeventonMelissa (EDT)
  • 出版社:Griffin
  • 出版日期:2008-07-08
  • 語言:英文
  • ISBN10:0312383215
  • ISBN13:9780312383213
  • 裝訂:平裝 / 19.7 x 24.1 x 3.2 cm / 普通級


Enhanced by one thousand full-color illustrations, a comprehensive history of costume and fashion spans from the civilizations of ancient Greece and Egypt through the nineteenth century, encompassing the clothing styles of individuals from all levels of society, as well as the accompanying footwear, accessories, and hairstyles. Original. 25,000 first printing.
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