Introduction to Forensic Psychology: Research and Application

Introduction to Forensic Psychology: Research and Application
NT $ 4,320


This extensive, up-to-date core text introduces students to new, emerging fields of study within forensic psychology. Emphasizing a contemporary developmental approach toward the understanding of crime and delinquency, the Second Edition of Introduction to Forensic Psychology features a multicultural perspective and focuses on the application of psychological knowledge and research. The authors introduce students to the many careers related to forensic psychology, as well as issues that are an integral part of the day-to-day work of forensic psychologists. New coverage in this edition includes relationships between mental disorders and crime and violence, sexual deviance, death penalty mitigation, restorative justice initiatives, arson and typologies of juvenile fire setters, sexual harassment, and criminal sentencing.

New to This Edition!

  • Includes an extensive look at developmental perspectives and biological research as they relate to the formation of delinquent and adult offending
  • Provides a greater emphasis on criminal justice applications in this edition to show relevance for students interested in careers in the field
  • Boasts more examples throughout the text to captivate and hold student interest, such as chapter-opening case examples, the anatomy of an autopsy, date rape, and an Andrea Yates update
  • More accessible to students with learning objectives at the start of each chapter, new review questions at the ends of chapters, a list of key concepts defined in the chapters, boxed excerpts, and chapter summaries, all aiming to reinforce student learning.
  • Presents a new two-color design throughout.

Ancillaries Available!

  • Instructor's Resources on CD-ROM feature chapter summaries and outlines, test questions, PowerPoint slides, discussion topics, and more. Qualified instructors can request a copy by contacting SAGEA藩Customer Care at 1-800-818-7243 from 6AM-5PM, PT.
  • Student Study Site at student study site offers additional journal articles and a variety of supplemental web resources in support of the both the text and the reader.

Intended Audience: This core text is designed for undergraduate and graduate students of Forensic Psychology as well as similar courses in departments of psychology, criminal justice, and criminology.

Chat with the authors! Email them at [email protected].

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