
The first three verses of Mary's Lamb were initially written over twenty years ago while Sherry Bohl was teaching kindergarten in Dublin, Ohio. Through the years, she has moved around the country, and all of her students have recited the jovial song that represents scenes from the noble life of Jesus. The author has added more verses, but has kept the extended script hidden close in her heart. until now. When the author was introduced to a gifted young artist, Benjamin Enzfelder, she immediately knew the perfect illustrator had been found to beautifully portray her manuscript and she could no longer keep her song to herself. Now, Mary's Lamb has come to life in this book. Sing along and enjoy!


  • ISBN:9781599320571
  • 規格:平裝 / 48頁 / 21 x 26.7 x 0.6 cm / 普通級
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  1. 新書