The Calder Game

The Calder Game
NT $ 630


When Calder Pillay travels with his father to a remote village in England, he finds a mix of mazes and mystery- including an unexpected Alexander Calder sculpture in the town square. Calder is strangely drawn to the sculpture, while others in the village have less-than-friendly feelings toward it. Both the boy and the sculpture seem out of place...and then they dissapear!!!!

Calder's friends Petra and Tommy must fly to England to help Calder's father find him. But this mystery has more twists and turns than a calder mobile caught in a fierce wind-with more at stake that meets the eye.


Blue Balliett(布露.巴利葉特)

現居美國芝加哥,距離建築大師萊特的作品「羅比屋」只有咫尺之遙。《誰偷了維梅爾?》是他的第一本小說,第二部The Wright 3《萊特屋謎案》則已授權16國語言版本,且一出版即登上《紐約時報》排行榜。The Calder Game是她的第三部小說。她在布朗大學拿到藝術史學位之後,就任教於小說中的芝加哥大學實驗學校,目前專職寫作。喜歡在洗衣間寫作,享受不受旁人打擾,只有貓和乾淨衣服的陪伴。


Brett Helquist(布萊特.赫奎斯特 )

知名插畫家,作品出現在雜誌、報紙、繪本與小說。他大學時曾主修工程,後來發現興趣不合,於是休學,並來到台灣,從事教科書插畫工作,之後回到學校,主修插畫。他最出名的作品是美國版「波特萊爾的冒險」系列插畫。 美國《書單》雜誌推崇他在《誰偷了維梅爾?》的表現「超越自我,更提供了互動的解謎樂趣」。

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