The music industry has undergone radical changes in recent years, but abundant career opportunities still exist for beginners with talent, imagination, and a love of music. The record industry
and its dealers have suffered recent setbacks, but most other aspects of the music business continue to flourishA-and this book tells beginners how and where to find rewarding jobs. Highly
talented singers, song writers, and instrumentalists are always in demand, but many lesser known and rewarding career opportunities exist, with new avenues opening virtually every day. Among
job opportunities described in this book are artistsA' agents and managers, talent agents, sound technicians, film and TV technicians, film and TV production managers, advertising illustrators
and copywriters, publicists, and many others. The author tells beginners how to match their own qualifications with potential job openings, seek and find job interviews, and get into the music
business. For each job designation, she lists the special skills needed, describes a typical workday, and presents actual case studies of men and women who have found music career openings, and
have gone on to make the most of them. Sidebar features include at-a-glance career tips and A"voices of experienceA" notes citing the best and worst things about each job. New in this edition
is information on how todayA's new technologies have influenced careers and created opportunities in the music business. The bookA's several appendices include lists of names, addresses, and
web sites of music unions, organizations, directories, magazines, and schools offering degrees in music business management. There is also a glossary of music business and technical terms.