Dwight Lockwood, son of the Secretary of Defense, crafts his life under his father's shadow. Brought up in a world of family secrets and taboos, Dwight struggles to create an independent
psychic life. In college he falls in love with a beautiful young leftist, Sabrina Montenegro, and follows her to revolutionary Nicaragua, but is unable to make love. Dwight ends up taking his
father's path into public service, though as a peacemaker and diplomat, not a warrior. After an assignment in Moscow, he is posted to Guatemala, where Sabrina joins him. Finally, they
consummate their love. While Sabrina is working in a hospital in a village, Dwight learns that she has been "disappeared." With Sabrina as his guiding angel, Dwight rises to the world's top
diplomatic post. Inspired by the life of Dag Hammarskjold, the great U.N. Secretary General who lost his life in the Congo, To Enter Jerusalem tracks a man's destiny from his early wounding to
a world career. Like Hammarskjold, Dwight has to decide to do his duty and "to enter Jerusalem," no matter what the risk.