Do you spend so much time dealing with emails that you feel like youre just going round and round and getting nowhere, like a hamster on a wheel? Meet Harold, an HR director who becomes so
traumatized by info-glut that he actually turns into a hamster, though at first hes too busy to even notice. Luckily, Harold meets an info-coach who teaches him a few powerful techniques that
help him dramatically reduce email overload and improve his email writing skills. By applying the info-coachs simple plan, Harold finally regains control of his life and rejoins the human race.
This delightful and much-needed fable is based on the authors extensive experience helping employees at companies like Clear Channel, Procter and Gamble, and Pfizer manage email more
efficiently. The book includes a remarkable case study of the authors work with Capital One, where employees estimated they saved thirteen days a year by applying Hamster Revolution techniques.