Here is the intriguing story of one of the world's most admired and enduring motorcycle companies, and how their fortunes were molded by a determination to win races. Early in the last
century, the fledgling company decided to test its products, demonstrate the quality of its designs, and showcase German technology by winning competitions. That determination has lasted to
this day, as BMW has remained a formidable competitor in various venues of motorcycle racing. The book covers the company's early mutation from aircraft engine builder to producer of
reliable, high-quality motorcycles. Its development of supercharged engines, advanced suspension systems, and many other innovations led to its dominance of various race competitions at
different times, with many of those technologies making their way into production motorcycles. BMWs have long been known for reliability and endurance; it is precisely those characteristics
which gave the company the deciding advantage in sidecar racing, endurance competitions, and Superbike racing.