A career guide to more significant business results in a shorter period of time
Results Through Relationships shows professionals how to establish break-through relationships with new prospects and their existing networks, including colleagues, bosses, customers, clients,
vendors, and others. Many people assume that only new contacts will help them achieve their goals, but in reality, many breakthroughs happen within existing networks. This handy career guide
focuses on the bottom-line behaviors that expedite trust, improve workplace performance, and increase profit. Author Joe Takash presents a nine-step process that anyone can master, and his
formula proves that we're all in the relationship business first.
Joe Takash (La Grange Park, IL) is a renowned professional speaker and business consultant. As President of Victory Consulting in Chicago, Illinois, the author has delivered more than 3,000
speeches throughout the country and his articles have been published in a variety of outlets, including Selling Power magazine, MSNBC.com, Crain's Business New York, Entrepreneur magazine, and
Career Builder. His client list features numerous Fortune 100 corporations, including General Motors, American Express, and AIG.