The story Paths of Sanctuary is a magic-realism novel which traces the life of an African-American family from enslavement in 1786 through post reconstruction to its eventual settling in
Sanctuary, a small mountain village situated geographically just below the first gates of heaven. The novel centers on the forbidden commingling of the people of clay (humans) with the people
of fire (angels) and the friction that occurs whenever two bordering cultures co-exist. Told in an almost lyrical narrative, Paths of Sanctuary explores the hidden complexities discovered
within family, including the trials found within infidelity, friendship and love."ihsan bracy is a visionary wordsmith. In a story that spans both time and the imagination, he has managed to
capture the most painful and yet the most beautiful of our experience, while gifting us with an epic, bordercrossing story that transcends the conventional, and leaves readers lifted. Thank you
ihsan, for journeying on. Paths of Sanctuary is well worth the wait." - Sheree Ren�� Thomas, Editor of the Dark Matter Series The market Paths of Sanctuary will enjoy a special niche in a
growth market.In our estimate, Paths of Sanctuary has universal appeal and its general market would be any enthusiast of American fiction who enjoys good story telling. Regarding niche, like
the Jewish holocaust, the African slave trade, its aftermath and diaspora, will remain a subject of deep interest to generations of scholars and Americans. Slavery and the Reconstruction Era
are important fixtures of US history and there is a special interest in understanding them - especially among African American communities. Retelling of that aspect of American history, fiction
and non fiction, by African American writers, adds to the interest by adding, conceivably, a more personal element to the inquiry. In growing community of readers, there is evidence of much
cross referencing on going regarding books and authors-a fair indicator of interest. Excellent online information distributing resources exist allowing us to reach their potential audiences in
a targeted manner. Readers will be able to discover our book more easily. I believe our book is situated in a growth area.