To stay relevant, art curators must keep up with the rapid pace of technological innovation as well as the aesthetic tastes of fickle critics and an ever-expanding circle of cultural
arbiters. Issues in Curating Contemporary Art and Performance argues that, despite these daily pressures, good curating work also requires more theoretical attention.
In this groundbreaking volume, a distinguished group of artists, curators, and writers probe the changing face of curating in dance, the visual arts, film, and writing. They explore
cutting-edge developments in electronic art, art/science collaboration, non-gallery spaces, and “virtual” fields in this essential read for scholars, curators, and art enthusiasts alike.
“Changes in curatorial strategy require constant analysis. The mediation of culture is a contested territory. This book contains texts by some of the most dynamic and critical people
writing on the subject today.”—Liam Gillick, artist and writer