Many Kustom Kulture artists are now crossing over scenes, creating graphics for hot rods one day, burlesque events the next, and dreaming up flyers for a new crop of indie rock
bands—all part of an explosive international graphics movement. This overview of the best artists in this subculture includes work from California, the Midwest, the East
Coast, Mexico, Japan, the UK, Germany, Scandinavia, France, and Germany. This roundup of Ed Roth and Von Dutch-influenced artists presents a mass of work impossible to beat for sheer
visual inventiveness, vibe, and color. Author Julian Balme is a writer and art director for numerous Kustom Kulture magazines, creator of the famous London Calling cover for The Clash,
a passionate racer of hot rods, and one of the foremost commentators on Kustom Kulture and Kustom Graphics.