Practice and review questions for all sections of the SAT college entrance test are presented on 500 flash cards. Students will find 200 math cards, 200 grammar cards, and 100 vocabulary cards.
The math cards include 75 important math facts that students need to know as strategies for answering math questions, as well as 100 sample SAT problems in both multiple-choice and grid-in
formats. The vocabulary cards have two words per card with definitions on the reverse sideA-a total of 200 new words for test takers to learn. This boxed set of 4 1/2" x 2 3/4" flash cards is
designed with a punch hole in one corner of each card. The hole will accommodate a metal key-ring-style card holder enclosed with the cards. Using the holder, students can arrange the flash
cards for their Q and A sessions in any sequence that suits their needsA-perhaps by general topic, or alternately by leaving out cards with questions and answers that test takers already know