This book details the origins of band names from 240 musical acts, focusing on the most popular groups (and a few individual performers) from the 1960s through today. Even casual music fans
will recognize almost all of the acts discussed, while a few one-hit wonders are included simply because their name is so unusual (Mungo Jerry, for example) that they warrant a place in the
study. Each entry focuses on the meaning and/or origin of the act's name, what they had been called previously, and any other names that were considered and rejected during the naming process.
Included in the stories are facts and figures about the act's history and its place in the rock music pantheon, the year the act was formed, the original members, later members of note and the
act's best known hit. The book lists bands alphabetically to give the casual reader the opportunity to open it anywhere and read at leisure, the historian the ability to easily pinpoint his or
her research, or the die-hard rock fan the chance to learn from A to Z the name origins of the biggest acts in rock and pop music history.