



  ◎ 為什麼會拖拖拉拉的原因及12個終結拖拉的剋星
  ◎ 20個和拖拖拉拉分手的方法
  ◎ 怎樣避免掉入猶如骨牌效應的連環陷阱
  ◎ 如何找到超級動力及有趣的獎勵讓你自動自發

  Kids today are notorious for putting things off—it’s easy for homework and chores to take a backseat to playing video games, hanging out with friends, watching television, or surfing online. Full-color cartoons and kid-friendly text teach kids how to get motivated, stay motivated, and get things done. Kids learn 12 reasons why people procrastinate and 12 Procrastination Busters that can help; 20 ways to kiss procrastination good-bye; tips for avoiding setbacks like the dreaded Domino Effect; and Mighty Motivators and Fun Rewards to keep them on track. See You Later, Procrastinator! gives kids lots of ways to kick the procrastination habit and feel more in charge of their lives.



伊莉莎白.佛迪克(Elizabeth Verdick)


  Elizabeth Verdick is a children's book writer and editor.  She lives in Minnesota with her husband and their two children.

潘蜜拉.艾斯佩藍(Pamela Espeland)


  Pamela Espeland has authored, coauthored, or edited over 200 books for Free Spirit Publishing on a variety of subjects. Pamela graduated from Carleton College in Northfield, Minnesota and currently lives in Minneapolis with her husband, John Whiting, and two little dogs.

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