Zoland Poetry's second edition includes new poems by well-known veterans and writers to watch, translations from Chinese, Kurdish, Spanish, Bengali, Catalan, Russian, Poish, Japanese and
French, and interviews of rising stars by by acknowledged masters. Zoland Poetry's online arm -- www.zolandpoetry.com -- expands and updates work in the annual by including quarterly book
reviews of recent poetry collections from here and abroad, original language material for the works in translation, translator essays and notes, and audio clips of select poets, and will be an
active virtual year-round gathering place for a community deeply interested in the world of contemporary poetry.
Contributors include: Coral Bracho, Miles Champion, Connie Deanovich, Bei Dao, Tony Towle, Roman Antopolsky, Merrill Gilfillan, Hsia Yu, Steve Bradbury, Ryan Murphy, Jennifer Scappettone,
Mohammad Rafiq, Elizabeth Robinson, Haines Eason, Anne Porter, Ernest Farres, Janis Butler Holm, Joan Walsh, Elena Fanailova, Steve Langan, Andrea Cohen, Lee Harwood, William Corbett, Eduardo
Chirinos, Mitchell Douglas, John Estes, Katie Peterson, Farhad Shakely, Deborah Meadows, Augusto Rodriguez, MLB, Peter Minter, Ito Hiromi, Timothy Liu, Lorand Gaspar, Jeffrey Yang.