Greenspan’s Bubbles: The Age of Ignorance at the Federal Reserve
- 作者:Fleckenstein,Frederick,William A./ Sheehan
- 出版社:McGraw-Hill
- 出版日期:2008-01-16
- 語言:英文
- ISBN10:0071591583
- ISBN13:9780071591584
- 裝訂:精裝 / 194頁 / 2.5 x 13.3 x 21 cm / 普通級
艾倫‧葛林斯潘 (Alan Greenspan)主張自由市場經濟,執掌美國聯準會期間,曾帶領美國經濟度過了兩次經濟大衰退、一次股市大崩盤,以及重大事件如波灣戰爭、九一一事件、卡崔娜颶風侵襲等事件,因此被譽為「經濟學家中的經濟學家」、「史上最偉大的銀行家」。
葛林斯潘曾提出「非理性繁榮」 (irrational exuberance),為世界經濟寫下歷史性的一頁,其影響力遍布全球,他的任何決定,都會反映在世界各地的經濟活動上。卸下美國聯準會主席的職務後,曾出版《The Age of Recklessness》一書,以自傳的手法傳達他一以貫之的世界價值觀。《Greenspan’s Bubbles》則是繼《The Age of Recklessness》後,第一本以旁觀者的角度,深刻地描述這位美國任期最久的聯準會主席之書籍。
本書作者 Bill Fleckenstein是《MSN Money》人氣最高的專欄財經作家,擅長經濟觀察與時事分析。Fleckenstein自1987年葛林斯潘擔任聯邦準備主席起,開始專注於研究葛林斯潘、美國聯準會等相關議題,藉著敏銳的觀察力以及生動的筆觸,將長達二十年的獨家發現收錄於《Greenspan’s Bubbles》中,相信你一定會大開眼界。
THE BOOK THAT BURSTS EASY AL'S BUBBLE-revealing the real story behind Alan Greenspan The New York Times nicknamed him “Mr. Bubble” for his role in creating the two largest bubbles in recent years: in the stock market and the housing market. Now, MSN Money columnist Bill Fleckenstein reveals the unvarnished truth behind Greenspan's “Age of Recklessness.”
By slashing interest rates to bail out investors, Greenspan made a lot of people rich but his actions resulted in the dot-com disaster of 2000 and the mortgage mess of 2007. But Greenspan's recklessness goes back even further-to the crash of 1987, the Savings & Loan crisis, the implosion of Long Term Capital Management, and even the Asian crisis. This no-holds-barred account finally exposes Greenspan as the worst Fed Chairman ever-and offers an economic wake-up call for citizens and investors.
作者簡介 Bill Fleckenstein is president of Fleckenstein Capital, a money management firm based in Seattle. He writes a daily Market Rap column for his Web site,, as well as the popular column Contrarian Chronicles for MSN Money.
Fred Sheehan is a former Director of Asset Allocation Services at John Hancock Financial Services. He has written for Market Outlook and Quarterly Review and the Whiskey & Gunpowder and Prudent Bear websites.