The Back of the Napkin
- 作者:Dan,Roam
- 出版社:Baker & Taylor Books
- 出版日期:2008-03-13
- 語言:英文
- ISBN10:1591841992
- ISBN13:9781591841999
- 裝訂:精裝 / 278頁 / 2.5 x 19.1 x 18.4 cm / 普通級
6種觀察和呈現的方式:6個W:誰∕什麼、多少、何處、何時、如何、為何。(第8-14章) 中文版《餐巾紙的背後:一枝筆+一張紙就可以解決問題+說服老闆&客戶》由「遠流」出版。
"The premise behind Roam's book is simple: anybody with a pen and a scrap of paper can use visual thinking to work through complex business ideas. Management consultant and lecturer Roam begins with a "watershed moment": asked, at the last minute, to give a talk to top government officials, he sketched a diagram on a napkin. The clarity and power of that image allowed him to communicate directly with his audience. From this starting point, Roam has developed a remarkably comprehensive system of ideas. Everything in the book is broken down into steps, providing the reader with "tools and rules" to facilitate picture making. There are the four steps of visual thinking, the six ways of seeing and the "SQVID"- a clumsy acronym for a "full brain visual work out" designed to focus ideas. Roam occasionally overcomplicates; an extended case study takes up a full third of the book and contains an overload of images that belie the book's central message of simplicity. Nonetheless, for forward-thinking management types, there is enough content in these pages to drive many a brainstorming session. Illus." -Publisher's Weekly
"As painful as it is for any writer to admit, a picture *is* sometimes worth a thousand words. That's why I learned so much from this book. With style and wit, Dan Roam has provided a smart,
practical primer on the power of visual thinking."
-Daniel H. Pink, author of A Whole New Mind
"Inspiring! It teaches you a new way of thinking in a few hours -- what more could you ask from a book?"
-Dan Heath, author of Made to Stick
"This book is a must read for managers and business leaders. Visual thinking frees your mind to solve problems in unique and effective ways."
-Temple Grandin, author of Thinking in Pictures
"If you observe the way people read or listen to things in the early 21st century, you realize that there aren't many of us left with a linear attention span. Visual information is much more interesting than verbal information. So if you want to make a point, do it with images, pictures or graphics. . . . Dan Roam is the first visual consultant for businesses that I've worked with. His approach is faster for the customer. And the message sticks." -Roger Black, Media design leader, Author of Websites That Work
"Simplicity. This is Dan Roam's message in The Back Of The Napkin. We all dread business meetings with their mountains of documents and the endless bulleted power points. Roam cuts through all that to demonstrate how the use of simple drawings -- executed while the audience watches -- communicate infinitely better than those complex presentations. Is a picture truly worth a thousand words? Having told us how to communicate with pictures, Roam rounds out his message by explaining that "We don't show an insight-inspiring picture because it saves a thousand words; we show it because it elicits the thousand words that make the greatest difference." And that is communication that works."
-Bill Yenne, author of Guinness: The 250 Year Quest for the Perfect Pint
Explaining how everybody is born with an innate talent for visual thinking, a guide to enhancing analytical skills by building up one's intrinsic abilities is a primer for business leaders on how to develop ideas and enable faster results using to-the-point visual methods.
丹.羅姆 Dan Roam
創辦了Digital Roam Inc.,靠著一枝筆、一張餐巾紙(還有白板)這類低科技的原始設備,教各行各業(包括高科技業、政府機構、金融、媒體、廣告、零售、娛樂旅遊、醫療照護等行業)運用視覺思考的利器,解決經營上的疑難雜症。
他協助過的公司非常多有名的大公司:Google、eBay、IBM、General Electric、Walmart、HBO、BBC、微軟、時代華納、富國銀行、美國海軍、安泰人壽、紐約聯邦儲備銀行、輝瑞藥廠…族繁不及備載。
"The premise behind Roam's book is simple: anybody with a pen and a scrap of paper can use visual thinking to work through complex business ideas. Management consultant and lecturer Roam
begins with a "watershed moment": asked, at the last minute, to give a talk to top government officials, he sketched a diagram on a napkin. The clarity and power of that image allowed him to
communicate directly with his audience. From this starting point, Roam has developed a remarkably comprehensive system of ideas. Everything in the book is broken down into steps, providing
the reader with "tools and rules" to facilitate picture making. There are the four steps of visual thinking, the six ways of seeing and the "SQVID"- a clumsy acronym for a "full brain visual
work out" designed to focus ideas. Roam occasionally overcomplicates; an extended case study takes up a full third of the book and contains an overload of images that belie the book's central
message of simplicity. Nonetheless, for forward-thinking management types, there is enough content in these pages to drive many a brainstorming session. Illus."
-Publisher's Weekly
"As painful as it is for any writer to admit, a picture *is* sometimes worth a thousand words. That's why I learned so much from this book. With style and wit, Dan Roam has provided a smart,
practical primer on the power of visual thinking."
-Daniel H. Pink, author of A Whole New Mind
"Inspiring! It teaches you a new way of thinking in a few hours -- what more could you ask from a book?"
-Dan Heath, author of Made to Stick
"This book is a must read for managers and business leaders. Visual thinking frees your mind to solve problems in unique and effective ways."
-Temple Grandin, author of Thinking in Pictures
"If you observe the way people read or listen to things in the early 21st century, you realize that there aren't many of us left with a linear attention span. Visual information is much more
interesting than verbal information. So if you want to make a point, do it with images, pictures or graphics. . . . Dan Roam is the first visual consultant for businesses that I've worked
with. His approach is faster for the customer. And the message sticks."
-Roger Black, Media design leader, Author of Websites That Work
"Simplicity. This is Dan Roam's message in The Back Of The Napkin. We all dread business meetings with their mountains of documents and the endless bulleted power points. Roam cuts through
all that to demonstrate how the use of simple drawings -- executed while the audience watches -- communicate infinitely better than those complex presentations. Is a picture truly worth a
thousand words? Having told us how to communicate with pictures, Roam rounds out his message by explaining that "We don't show an insight-inspiring picture because it saves a thousand words;
we show it because it elicits the thousand words that make the greatest difference." And that is communication that works."
-Bill Yenne, author of Guinness: The 250 Year Quest for the Perfect Pint