As a boy who grew up in Akron, F.A. Seiberling tramped the fields and woods outside of the city, hunting the area where stone had once been quarried. Years later, the founder of the Goodyear
Tire and Rubber Company would build Stan Hywet - the Old English term for stone quarry - a sixty-five-room Tudor Revival mansion on seventy acres of landscaped gardens, orchards, and vistas.
Photographers Ian Adams and Barney Taxel portray the splendor of the four seasons at Stan Hywet, now maintained through the Stan Hywet Hall Foundation. These images depict the restored mansion
in its setting, capturing the springtime charm of mayapples and periwinkle in the mirrored in a reflection pool. From spring mornings to Christmas celebrations, Steve Love narrates as the
reader strolls through the rooms and halls of the mansion and rambles down the lanes through its gardens and into the lives of the Seiberlings. With a foreword by F.A.'s grandson, former
congressman John F. Seiberling, Stan Hywet Hall & Gardens captures the Seiberling family motto, "Non Nobis Solum," or, "Not for Us Alone" - a motto which remains engraved, to this day,
above the entrance to the Manor House.