Love Is a Mix Tape: Life and Loss, One Song at a Time
- 作者:Rob,Sheffield
- 出版社:Three Rivers Pr
- 出版日期:2007-12-04
- 語言:英文
- ISBN10:1400083036
- ISBN13:9781400083039
- 裝訂:平裝 / 13.3 x 21 x 1.3 cm / 普通級
◎獲出版人週刊、柯克斯評論、圖書館學刊星號書評(Starred Review)
◎《性,毒品與可可煙》(Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa Puffs)作者恰克.克羅斯特曼(Chuck Klosterman)推薦
根據女歌手佩特.班納塔(Pat Benatar)的說法,愛是一座戰場。法蘭克.辛納屈會說,愛是甜蜜的陷阱。愛會傷人,愛令人厭,愛會咬人,愛會流血,愛是毒品。大家都想知道愛情是什麼,其實答案很簡單。
一九九○年代,「另類」突然成了主流,珍珠果醬(Pearl Jam)、人行道(Pavement),超脫(Nirvana)和R.E.M.等,一年前如果出現在MTV音樂台會顯得很怪異的樂團,儼然成了MTV的代 名詞。屬於科特.柯本(Kurt Cobain)、仙妮亞.唐恩(Shania Twain)與泰勒.丹恩(Taylor Dayne)的十年,結束得太匆匆。美國文化的界限崩解,由音樂帶頭前進。
怕羞的愛樂怪胎羅伯.薛菲德也是在這時代,遇見喜歡吵吵鬧 鬧的阿帕拉契龐克搖滾女郎芮妮。對羅伯而言,芮妮實在是太酷了,無論如何,芮妮還是愛上了羅伯。羅伯高大,芮妮嬌小。羅伯靦腆,芮妮是愛交際的花蝴蝶。羅 伯講的笑話向來很冷,只有芮妮聽了會笑。除了彼此都熱愛音樂之外,他們倆毫無交集。音樂將他們湊在一起。當羅伯突然遭遇喪妻之痛,也是音樂幫助他走出難以 言喻的失落。
What Is love? Great minds have been grappling with this question throughout the ages, and in the modern era, they have come up with many different answers. According to Western philosopher Pat Benatar, love is a battlefield. Her paisan Frank Sinatra would add the corollary that love is a tender trap. Love hurts. Love stinks. Love bites, love bleeds, love is the drug. The troubadours of our times agree: They want to know what love is, and they want you to show them. But the answer is simple: Love is a mix tape.
In the 1990s, when "alternative" was suddenly mainstream, bands like Pearl Jam and Pavement, Nirvana and R.E.M.-bands that a year before would have been too weird for MTV- were MTV. It was the decade of Kurt Cobain and Shania Twain and Taylor Dayne, a time that ended all too soon. The boundaries of American culture were exploding, and music was leading the way.
It was also when a shy music geek named Rob Sheffield met a hell-raising Appalachian punk-rock girl named Ren?e, who was way too cool for him but fell in love with him anyway. He was tall. She was short. He was shy. She was a social butterfly. She was the only one who laughed at his jokes when they were so bad, and they were always bad. They had nothing in common except that they both loved music. Music brought them together and kept them together. And it was music that would help Rob through a sudden, unfathomable loss.
In Love Is a Mix Tape, Rob, now a writer for Rolling Stone, uses the songs on fifteen mix tapes to tell the story of his brief time with Ren?e. From Elvis to Missy Elliott, the Rolling Stones to Yo La Tengo, the songs on these tapes make up the soundtrack to their lives.
Rob Sheffield isn't a musician, he's a writer, and Love Is a Mix Tape isn't a love song- but it might as well be. This is Rob's tribute to music, to the decade that shaped him, but most of all to one unforgettable woman.
羅伯.薛菲德筆下的芮妮是如此怪誕聰慧詭異可愛,讓讀者也像作者一樣,情不自禁愛上她。── 《圖書館學刊》星號書評
有 史以來,從來沒有一位搖滾評論者像羅伯.薛菲德一樣,用這種招魂式、超詩意般完美的文字,書寫流行音樂 。《我的愛情是一卷自製混音帶》是我所讀過最快樂、最哀傷、最棒的搖滾書。--《性,毒品與可可煙》(Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa Puffs)作者恰克.克羅斯特曼(Chuck Klosterman)
羅伯.薛菲德(Rob Sheffield)
《滾石》雜誌的特約編輯,替該雜誌撰寫〈流行音樂生活〉(Pop Life)專欄。作品散見於《村聲》、《旋轉》、《石板》、《細節》、《打開收音機》、《文學雜誌》等雜誌。同時,替MTV撰稿,上VH1與MTV等節目。住在紐約布魯克林區。