The fifteenth century defies consensus on fundamental issues; most scholars agree, however, that this period outgrew the Middle Ages, that it was a time of transition and a passage to modern
times. Founded in 1977 as the publication organ for the Fifteenth-Century Symposia, Fifteenth-Century Studies offers essays on diverse aspects of the fifteenth century, including liberal and
fine arts, historiography, medicine, and religion. Following the standard opening article on the current state of fifteenth-century drama research, volume 33 offers essays investigating authors
such as Christine de Pizan, Hans Sachs, Hartmann Schedel, Alain Chartier, and Robert Henryson. Genres and themes treated include drama, epistles of persuasion, late Arthurian romances,
translations, mythology and folklore, print media, and art appreciation. Alternative interpretations are afforded by Franco Mormando's study of male nakedness and the Franciscans. Twelve book
reviews round out the volume. Contributors: Edelgard E. DuBruck, Tracy Adams, Lidia Amor, RociA3 del RA-o FernA簫ndez, Leonardas Vytautas Gerulaitis, Jonathan Green, Christiane J. Hessler, Ashby
Kinch, Franco Mormondo, Alessandra Petrina. Edelgard E. DuBruck is professor emerita of French and Humanities at Marygrove College, Detroit, Michigan, and Barbara I. Gusick is professor emerita
of English at Troy University, Dothan, Alabama.