For clinicians, Monastra discusses the assessment and multimodal treatment of ADHD in children, adolescents, and adults in individual and group practice. He integrates neurological and
neurobehavioral research into an intervention program that can be used in many clinical settings, with an emphasis on the application of assessment techniques. He describes the core symptoms,
etiology, and medical conditions that mimic ADHD; provides a neurobehavioral approach for diagnosis; discusses the factors of nutrition, sleep, and exercise; and outlines pharmacological
treatments. Other chapters cover functional assessment, electroencephalographic biofeedback, promoting school success, counseling parents, social skills training, and special issues with
treating adults. Providing care in school and outpatient clinical settings, academic support programs, and individual and marital counseling are detailed. The book contains both subject and
author indexes. Monastra, a clinical psychologist, is associated with the FPI Attention Disorders Clinic in New York and teaches psychology at Binghamton U. Annotation 穢2008 Book News, Inc.,
Portland, OR (