Personality Not Included: Why Companies Lose their Authenticity- And How Great Brands Get It Back
- 作者:Bhargava,Rohit
- 出版社:McGraw-Hill
- 出版日期:2008-03-31
- 語言:英文
- ISBN10:0071545212
- ISBN13:9780071545211
- 裝訂:精裝 / 300頁 / 2.5 x 14.6 x 21.6 cm / 普通級
「無名氏」企業時代已經結束,在 21 世紀這個商業新紀元,最好的品牌與產品必須鮮明地秀出自己的個性!很多企業選擇用層層的包裝資訊和廣告文宣隱藏自己的真實個性,社群媒體達人巴加瓦反對這樣的經營哲學,在本書列舉數十則實例,說明當今知名成功企業如何向新客群介紹自己並獲得熱烈的迴響。
★本書中譯本《品牌個性影響力 數位時代的口碑行銷》由「美商麥格羅‧希爾」出版
The age of the faceless corporation is over. In the new business era of the twenty first century, great brands and products must evoke a dynamic personality in order to attract passionate customers. Although many organizations hide their personality behind layers of packaged messaging and advertising, social media guru and influencer Rohit Bhargava counters that philosophy and illustrates how successful businesses have redefined themselves in the new customer universe.
Personality Not Included is a powerhouse resource packed with bold new insights that show you how to shed the lifeless armor of your business and rediscover the soul of your brand. Sharing stories from the ethos of the world's weirdest city, to how Manga has taken the comic book industry by storm, to showcasing brands like Intel, Boeing, ING, and Dyson, Bhargava shows you why personality matters from the inside out.
In Part One, you'll be introduced to the key components to building a personality and learn how to:
Recognize the greatest myth that most marketers blindly follow, and how to get past it Use the "UAT Filter" to understand the personality of your organization and products in order to develop a communication strategy that drives your marketing Create your company's "marketing back story" using techniques pioneered by Hollywood screenwriters
Harness the influence of "accidental spokespeople" and use it to your advantage
Navigate the roadblocks of using personality that come from bosses, peers, investors, and lawyers, without getting fired or flamed
Pinpoint and capitalize on the moments where personality can make a difference
Part Two is packed with guides, tools, and techniques to help you flawlessly implement your plan. It features practical, step-by-step lessons that help you effectively move from theory to action, and includes a valuable collection of guides, checklists, question forms, printable resources, and more.
Don't be another faceless company-learn the new rules for succeeding in the social media era with Personality Not Included.
羅希特.巴加瓦(Rohit Bhargava)
巴加瓦是數位策略(Digital Strategy)公司的資深副總經理,也是奧美公共關係顧問股份有限公司(Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide)360度數位影響(360 Digital Influence)團隊的創始成員之一,奧美公關是全球最大的行銷傳播公司之一。
巴加瓦的部落格「影響力行銷」(Influential Marketing,經營有成,獲得獎項肯定。他時常受邀演講,並活躍於全球各大媒體如《華爾街日報》(The Wall Street Journal)、《行銷大中國》(Marketing China)和《品牌週刊》(Brandweek)中。