BarronA's brand-new AP Art History test prep manual offers test takers a brush-up review of art history, starting with the earliest civilizations and extending to art of the present day.
In addition to a thorough review of Western civilization art, separate chapters focus on non-European art traditions in India, China, Japan, Pre-Columbian Americas, Africa, and the Pacific.
Each chapter discusses the historical background, artistic innovations, and characteristic style of a given movement, presenting analyses of major paintings, sculpture, and architecture in each
period. Major periods, each reviewed in separate chapters, include prehistoric art, Ancient Near Eastern art, Egyptian art, Aegean art, Greek art, Etruscan art, Roman art, Byzantine art,
Islamic art, early medieval European art, art of the Romanesque and Gothic periods, Italian and Northern European Renaissance art, the Baroque Rococo, Neoclassical eras, and art of the late
19th and entire 20th centuries, leading to the art movements of today. A diagnostic exam precedes the chapters surveying art history, and two full-length AP practice exams are presented at the
end of the book with answer keys, diagnostic charts, and answer explanations. The text is profusely illustrated.