This Present Darkness, by Frank Peretti, is among the classic novels of the Christian thriller genre. First published in 1986, Peretti's book set a suspenseful standard in spiritual warfare
story-telling that has rarely been met by his contemporaries. Set in the apparently innocent small town of Ashton, This Present Darkness follows an intrepid born-again Christian preacher and
newspaper reporter as they unearth a New Age plot to take over the local community and eventually the entire world. Nearly every page of the book describes sulfur-breathing, black-winged,
slobbering demons battling with tall, handsome, angelic warriors on a level of reality that is just beyond the senses. However, Christian believers and New Age demon-worshippers are able to
influence unseen clashes between good and evil by the power of prayer. Peretti's violent descriptions of exorcisms are especially vivid: 'There were fifteen [demons], packed into Carmen's body
like crawling, superimposed maggots, boiling, writhing, a tangle of hideous arms, legs, talons, and heads.' This book is not for the squeamish. But for page-turning spiritual suspense, it's
hard to beat. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.