El Gato Bandido /The Bandit Cat: Dramatizacion De La Fabula De Rafael Pombo/ Dramatization of the Fable of Rafael Pombo

El Gato Bandido /The Bandit Cat: Dramatizacion De La Fabula De Rafael Pombo/ Dramatization of the Fable of Rafael Pombo
NT $ 520
  • 作者:PomboRafael
  • 出版社:Baker & Taylor Books
  • 出版日期:2007-05-01
  • 語言:西班牙文
  • ISBN10:9588318106
  • ISBN13:9789588318103
  • 裝訂:有聲CD / 14 x 12.7 x 0.6 cm / 普通級


In a dramatized version of the Colombian poem, a young cat called Mich毃n leaves home to become a bandit, but when he tries to rob the other animals things do not work out quite as he planned.
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