The Rodgers and Hammerstein Musical Scene Study Guide is the first book of its kind, featuring both comic and dramatic scenes and songs from 10 RandH musicals (Oklahoma!, Carousel, Allegro,
South Pacific, The King and I, Me and Juliet, Flower Ddrum Song, The Sound of Music, State Fair, and Cinderella) for the purpose of musical scene study work. It contains a total of 22 scenes,
organized by the number of men and women in each scene. Each scene includes: * an introduction to the musical from which it is taken, a description of the characters involved in the scene, and
a note about the preceding dramatic circumstance of the scene. * the dialogue, stage directions and piano/vocal score for the song(s) included in the scene. The Rodgers and Hammerstein Musical
Scene Study Guide is an essential tool for any and all serious musical theatre students - from high school, college and university, to community theatre and professional training programs. It
is also a must-have for all levels of music and drama teachers as well as vocal and acting coaches. This invaluable book belongs on the shelf in every high school, college, and university drama
department and in any theatre dedicated to developing the talents of its musical theatre performers. It is the perfect tool with which to study character development, lyric analysis, and
musicality, whether for auditions or performance.