Lady Salisbury has been a gardener since, as a child in the 1930s, she cultivated tiny patches of her parents' gardens in Ireland and the West of England. Later, as chatelaine first of
Cranborne Manor and then of Hatfield House, she revived two of the great historic gardens of England. Then there the gardens that, as a professional garden designer, she has created for
others, notably for the Prince of Wales at Highgrove and for the Museum of Garden History and Cosby Hall in London ('As a gardener who has lived the greater part of her life in Tudor and
Stuart houses, to be asked to design a garden for an Elizabethan palace was an enjoyable challenge'). Renowned for her depth of scholarship and her design skill, she has also led the way in
as a pioneer of organic gardening ('when I began, in 1948, I was written off as a complete crank'). Now in her eighties, she not only continues to tend her garden in Provence, she is also
making a roof garden ('the first I've ever done') for her house in Chelsea, and designing gardens for clients in England, Ireland, Italy and the United States. This book encapsulates her
gardening experience.