The Field Guide

The Field Guide
NT $ 385




13歲的姊姊瑪洛麗和9歲的雙胞胎兄弟傑瑞及賽門,在爸媽離婚後,和媽媽一起搬到姨婆在鄉下的一棟古老大房子裡,沒想到在這裡,竟發生了一連串稀奇古怪的事情:牆壁裡不時傳出怪異的聲音、瑪洛麗的頭髮被莫名其妙的綁在床頭上、廚房被破壞得亂七八糟、賽門養的蝌蚪在製冰盒裡凍成了冰塊……這到底是誰在惡作劇? 為了調查家中的神祕事件,傑瑞不但發現了一間密室,也意外的在閣樓裡找到一本記載精靈的怪書……書中記載的精靈都是真的嗎?這三姊弟要如何面對這一切,勇敢的解開謎團和精靈打交道呢?


荷莉‧布萊克(Holly Black)



東尼‧狄特里奇(Tony DiTerlizzi)


After their parents' divorce, the Grace kids - twins Jared and Simon and their older sister Mallory - move with their mom to the decaying old mansion belonging to their ancient great-aunt Lucinda, who has been sent off to an asylum. But before they can even unpack, Jared begins to notice that they're not alone in the house. There's something living there with them. His investigations eventually lead to an old book filled with pictures of fantastic creatures - Arthur Spiderwick's Field Guide to the Fantastical World Around You - and an even bigger mystery - the disappearance of his great-great-uncle and Lucinda's father, Arthur Spiderwick.

家長導讀Ready-Made Lessons Plans

After reading The Spiderwick Chronicles #1: The Field Guide:

Help your students document their own (imaginary) faerie/magical creature encounters. When did they first meet this creature? What did they do, say, see, smell? Did they have an adventure with the creature? Did the creature make mischief the way Thimbletack does?

The Grace children find in the field guide suggestions on how to prove that a brownie is lurking about (sprinkling flour on the floor to look for footprints) and how to repel faeries (wearing red). Have the kids write their own methods for catching and/or repelling mischievous magical critters. Encourage them to use their imaginations and be creative. As an added activity, have your students draw a picture of the creature/s they met. Remind them that nothing is impossible when magic is involved!

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