Trout Unlimited, the national cold-water conservation group with membership of more than 152,000, has featured Robert Behnke in its quarterly magazine, Trout, for more than twenty
years. Professor of ichthyology at Colorado State University, Behnke is our nation’s pre-eminent authority on trout biology, as well as a conservationist and superb fisherman. Known as “The
Trout Doctor,” Behnke writes about topics such as native species introductions, genetic markers, endangered species, improving habitats, angling tips, and improved conservation in the wake
of the efforts of Trout Unlimited. Illustrated with full-color images throughout by world-renowned fish artist Joseph Tomelleri, this book is the collection of Behnke’s best columns and
most meaningful insights about trout, the environment, and the future of fishing. The perfect gift for anglers everywhere.
Robert Behnke is professor emeritus at Colorado State University.