In the world of collectibles, there’s something to suit every budget, and this is the definitive guide to pricing it all—from games, toys, tools, comics, and posters to the more traditional
ceramics, silver, and glass. Edited by one of the experts from the British Antiques Roadshow, it pictures each item with the actual price paid or asked for it over the last year at
more than 350 auction houses and dealers around the world. This year’s special features include telephone cards, handheld computers, TV and film toys, Pez, Carnival glass, and more.
Additional collecting information is provided on factories, makers, care, restorations, fakes and alterations, market assessments, and buying tips, and there’s a thorough cross-section of the
current international market. Further reading is also highlighted, along with lists of collectors’ clubs, auctioneers, and specialist dealers.