Marcia Kaylakie traveled Texas for more than a decade, visiting museums and quilt shops from the Panhandle to Big Bend country, from the Piney Woods to the Gulf, discovering thousands of quilts
in towns from Alpine to Austin, Dimmitt to Dallas, and myriad other Texas communities large and small. Hidden away in closets, trunks, and attics, the quilts Kaylakie found are not only
heirlooms but also, owing to their histories, irreplaceable emblems of Texas heritage. Through these quilts and their stories, the cultural development of the state unfolds.
This book showcases thirty-four quilts. The quilts are all Texas made, spanning the state geographically and ranging in date from the 1870s to the turn of the twenty-first century. Most of the
quilts showcased here will never be in an exhibition or appear in any permanent record other than this book. These quilts preserve in their being, and in their narrative and material history, a
unique and compelling aspect of Texas history.