Arms & Armour in the Collection of Her Majesty the Queen: European Armour
$6,525 -
Visualizing Community: Art, Material Culture, and Settlement in Byzantine Cappadocia
$4,050 -
Women, Manuscripts and Identity in Northern Europe, 1350–1550
$2,473 -
The Art of Anglo-Saxon England
$908 -
Making Sense of the Bayeux Tapestry: Readings and Reworkings
$4,725 -
Chaucer: Visual Approaches
$3,148 -
Jerusalem 1000-1400: Every People Under Heaven
$2,625 -
Mapping New Territories in Art and Architectural Histories: Essays in Honour of Roger Stalley
$7,065 -
Toward an Art History of Medieval Rings: A Private Collection
$2,100 -
The Rotunda in Thessaloniki and Its Mosaics
$990 -
An Illumination: The Rothschild Prayer Book and Other Works from the Kerry Stokes Collection C. 1280-1685
$2,275 -
Dumbarton Oaks Papers
$5,625 -
Saints and Spectacle: Byzantine Mosaics in Their Cultural Setting
$4,050 -
Late Medieval Enclosed Gardens of the Low Countries: Contributions to Gender and Artistic Expression
$2,070 -
Ivory Vikings: The Mystery of the Most Famous Chessmen in the World and the Woman Who Made Them
$595 -
Tessellata Vitrea Tardoantichi E Altomedievali: Produzione Dei Materiali E Loro Messa in Opera. Considerazioni Generali E Studio
$6,120 -
Women and Jews in the Sachsenspiegel Picture-books
$8,460 -
L’iconographie Du Champion Des Dames De Martin Le Franc
$4,680 -
Myth and Mystique: Cleveland’s Gothic Table Fountain
$1,048 -
The North Transept of Reims Cathedral: Design, Construction, and Visual Programs