The hilarious column from skirt! magazine makes its national debut in a value-priced illustrated format, perfect for shower gifts and holiday stocking stuffers. This handy reference
is crammed with lists of favorites: Trophy Wives, Car Alarms, The Speedo, Prenups, Goatees, Strip Malls, Strip Clubs, Fluorescent Lighting, Fast Food, Super-sizing, Locker Room Interviews,
Trump Tower, Assault Weapons, Golf, Breakup E-mails, Scientology, Cybersex, Fox News, Sidewalk Spitting, “Novelty” Condoms, The Rush Limbaugh Show, Wet T-shirt Contests, Car
Commercials, Billboards, CD Packaging, Watergate, Tanning Beds, The Atkins Diet, Office Cubicles, Mail-in Rebates, Doppler Radar, among other things.