The GreenSpec and Environmental Building News editorial team developed the criteria for inclusion, and this updated resource of US products includes those made with salvaged, recycled, or
agricultural waste content, as well as those that conserve natural resources, avoid toxic or other emissions, save energy or water, and/or contribute to a safe, healthy indoor environment.
Products are listed for sitework and landscaping; outdoor structures; decking; foundations, footers, and slabs; structural systems and components; sheathing; exterior finish and trim; roofing;
doors; windows; insulation; flooring and floorcovering; anterior finish and trim; caulks and adhesives; paints and coatings; mechanical and HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning)
systems; plumbing; electrical; lighting; appliances; furniture and furnishings; and renewable energy. Addresses and contact information of suppliers are provided together with brief
descriptions of products. A section is also included on distributors. Distributed by Consortium Books Sales and Distribution. Annotation 穢2008 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (