What happens to the leader of an end-time cult the day after the world was prophesied to end? What happens to the lives he disrupted?
Disciple Mary Chambers knows why the Cleansing was postponed. She corrupted her beloved Teacher, causing God to rethink His plans. Eager to inform the doubting billions that she is to blame -
and that Daniel Hawker is not a fraud - she will ask the Teacher to accompany her to the press encampment outside Hallelujah City. She imagines holding his hand as she confesses her sin to the
Her father, Scott, takes a different view of who exactly did the corrupting. Suspecting that Mary is pregnant, he has his own plans for Hawker. He, too, is on his way to the doomsday compound
in upper Minnesota.
Living in motel-squalor on the outskirts of Trappers Point, near Hallelujah City, author Adrian C. Hummel is also determined to reach Daniel Hawker. Exhausted from battling his editor, agent,
and an army of creditors for nearly two years, Hummel believes an exclusive interview is all he needs to launch him into notoriety, granting him the fortune that has long eluded him.
These stories converge in Hallelujah City. Whether justice, atonement, or a simple second chance, everything seems to be waiting here. Hallelujah City succeeds on two levels: as a study of
desperation in the wake of receding options, and as the complex, often tender story of a father and daughter in need of reconciliation.