Efforts by such groups as the Jubilee movement and work by governmental and non-governmental organizations to diminish the burden of international debt to poor countries has not been sufficient
to significantly reduce want and poverty. Dijkstra (economics and public administration, Erasmus U.) analyzes the impact of international relief since 1990s to determine whether such efforts
have improved economic growth in eight highly indebted poor countries (HIPCs) in Latin American and Africa. He includes consideration of how such debt reduction efforts have increased the
influx of new capital and investment as he reviews the origins of such debts and the means by which HIPCs received relief, the efficiency and effectiveness of a range of types of debt relief,
the impact of debt relief since 2000 and prospects of further debt relief in the future. Particularly interesting are his observations on the complexities of HIPC's credit policies and
practices. Annotation 穢2008 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)